I am listing a couple of grade mares on the web site as well. The mares listed here have been used on the ranch and at gymkhanas. These mares deserve to be mentioned. Just because they do not have registration papers does not make them any less GOOD horses. It is an honor to have owned these mares and we are proud of them as thy have gave 110% at everything we have asked and they are a couple of the best darned Cowhorses I have ever seen.

RIP January 11, 2018
a 1993 Buckskin mare (Registered ABRA Only), she is a Quarter cross mare that will flat get down and work a cow, If Marisa is in a tight spot this is the horse she wants to be on. Quit is not in her vocabulary, no matter how tough or bad things get she just digs down and tries harder.

1998 paint mare, she is paint, appaloosa and quarter horse. This is one of the most creative cowhorses I have had the pleasure of being around. She is a thinker and loves the desert and chasing cows, she loves a cow to go on the fight and is more than willing to use her teeth and feet if the opportunity arises. Her work ethic is the best and she is a true hackamore horse.